Speakers in Alphabetical Order

  1. Alexandre Frascari, B.S. (Brazil) has a degree in mechanical engineering from the Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo. He has been a researcher in Trilogical Physics, science journalist, international lecturer with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy for the past 20 years.
  2. Alexandre Nepomuceno, B.S. (Brazil) - Environmental Manager and Auditor. Student at Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT, São Paulo, Brazil.
  3. David Brady, M.A. M.P.A. (USA) has over 45 years multi-cultural experience working in the fields of education, correction, substance abuse, mental health, administration and public service. He currently is the Director and Owner of Healing Our Future a State of Nevada certified domestic violence program for court referred offenders in Southern Nevada. He also works internationally as a Certified Healing Codes Practitioner using energy psychology to work with a wide variety of mental and physical complaints. He holds a Life Time Teaching Certificate with the California Community Colleges in Psychology and Public Administration. He specializes in prevention, intervention and treatment of verbal and physical abuse.
  4. Prof. André Torres, Ph.D., (Brazil) - Pianist and teacher in the Vale do Rio Verde University (Green River´s Valley University) Três Corações, MG – Brasil
  5. Carina Ulsen, M.Sc. (Brazil) - She is a mining engineer that has worked on the development of recycling technologies for construction and demolition waste.
  6. Cesar Soós has a degree in mining engineering from the University of São Paulo. He is a lecturer and researcher in metaphysics and Trilogical Physics with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, and a professor of psychoenergetics at the Institute of Integral Psychoanalysis.
  7. Eduardo Castelã Nascimento, B.A., graduated in Business Administration from Mackenzie University, an international lecturer in the field of Trilogical Enterprises. Currently he is the Business Development Director for the Keppe Motor Project.”
  8. Erlan Rodrigues Andrade, B.A., L.L.P., (Brazil) - I am a lawyer and I graduated in Philosophy. Next semester I´ll be teaching Philosophy at collage. I´ll also start my Master of philosophy and the subject of my research will be Maquivel´s thinking (which in a certain way shows a disinverted reality)  versus Keppe´s thinking. 
  9. Fabrizio Biliotti, B.A., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist (Italy) BA in International Relations from Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy. Language Teacher at Millenium Language School in São Paulo. He worked as an Editor of the German Magazine Dolce – Italien Entdecken, in Munich, Germany and as Freelancer at Bayerischer Rundfunk for the Radio Monaco program. He studied oboe at the Music School “R. Franci” in Siena and Jazz and Rock Guitar, attending a Musical Arrangement Course at Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio, Rome.

  10. Gilbert Gambucci, B.A., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist (USA) Gambucci is being trained with Dr. Norberto R. Keppe since 1984 lecturing in the United States, England, France, Portugal, Sweeden, Finland, Russia and Brazil, and Piano Recitalist of international repertoire having played professionally on 3 continents. Author of” Inside the Music” where he applies Trilogy to music. Gilbert Gambucci was awarded at age 17 with the U.S. National Paderewski Piano Tournament Award.  He completed his undergraduate studies in Applied Piano at the Ithaca College School of Music on a full tuition Emerson Scholarship Award.
    Mr. Gambucci presently lives in São Paulo Brazil where he teaches at the Millennium School of Language and Trilogical Science.
  11. Irineu Silva,  B.A., (Brazil) - Senior IT Analyst at Nextel Brazil. Degree in Administration - Santo André Foundation.
  12. Jason E. Coombs, B.A. Marketing Diploma, Researcher in Economics, he has been studying Analytical Trilogy and Trilogical Enterprises for two years (Canada).
  13. Prof. Joaquim Muñoz, Ph.D, M.Sc., M.A.A., (Mexico) - Doctor in History of Mentality, Master in Cultural Anthropology and Master in Applied Social Psychology. President of the of the Eduard Seler Foundation Academic Council and General Director of the School of Higher Education in Historical and Anthropological Sciences.
  14. Luciara Avelino, B.A., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist (Brazil). Graduated in  languages at University of Brasília – Brasil. Worked on the development and teaching of training programs in psycho-socio-therapy with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy in Brazil. Coordinator of innovative consulting program to train teachers to apply psycho-socio therapy techniques in their educational institutions. Clients include: School 8 de Maio, São Paulo, School 1º de Maio, São Paulo, School district of São Roque, SP, University of UNISA, Santa Catarina. Currently assisting in developing a Trilogical Theological College to teach ecumenical theology based on the pioneering work of Dr. Norberto Keppe. Teacher of French, Portuguese for Foreigners and English using the unique psycho-linguistic method developed at ISAT and Millennium. Lecturer on Analytical Trilogy themes with a special focus on education issues.
  15. Marc André da Rocha Keppe, Ph.D., ISAT (Brazil)  holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from PUC (Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo), from the Department of Psychosomatic and Hospital Psychology. He is the son of Norberto Keppe, psychoanalyst and psychologist, and presently works at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy. He has written four books: Life and Work of Norberto Keppe, The Origin of Earth, The Supernatural through time and Course of Psychoanalysis. Marc Keppe also speaks about Analytic Trilogy on his radio program at Radio Mundial (95,7 FM).
  16. Márcia Sgrinhelli, D.D.S. (Brazil) - Dental Surgeon with degree from the School of Dentistry at the University of São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil, with 27 years extensive training in the Norberto Keppe Institute of Integral Psychoanalysis, Paris, France and New York, N.Y. with on going research in the fields of psychosomatic medicine and dentistry. Mrs. Sgrinhelli lectures internationally and has more than 25 years of international clinical dentistry experience in Brazil, the United States and Europe. She is co-author of the book, Dentistry for the 3rd Millennium.

  17. Mariane B. Fernandez, B.A., Graduated in Classical Ballet, performing repertories such as, Gisele, Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and others (Classic Ballet School – Marili Venditti, São Paulo, Brazil). Experience in the methodology of American choreographer and dancer, Merce Cunningham. Worked on the development of dance workshops based on Psycho-socio-therapy . Also works at the Grande Hotel Trilogia (the world’s first Center of Integral Psychosomatic Therapy) and at Millennium Translations, a Trilogical Enterprise.
  18. Marja Torpo, B.A., has been accompanying the work of Analytical Trilogy since 1989, having worked in the development and setting up of Trilogical enterprises in Finland and in Sao Paulo. She is an International lecturer and psychosocial therapist.
  19. Markku Lyyra, B.A., Trilogical Psychoterapist for more than 20 years. Has been lecturing internationally about Analytical Trilogy in several countries, in Scandinavia, Russia, USA and Brazil. Translator of Trilogical books. Works at the ISAT clinic as a psychoterapist and attends clients from several countries.
  20. Monica Pacheco, B.A. (Brazil). Graduated in Philosophy from PUC (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo) in 1989, with a specialization at the Instituto Brasileiro de Filosofia, she has developed a number of projects in the area of philosophy, has taught, given lectures, seminars and workshops at social and cultural institutions in South America. Monica is presently teaching at Escola Millennium where she gives classes and lectures applying the Trilogical Psycholinguistic Method developed by Norberto Keppe.
  21. Nancy Gerber, P.C.C., B.A., C.R.C, (USA) - Coach, relationship and community builder for over 30 years.Internationally published writer an speaker, who has given presentations on three continents. President of SteppingStones coaching company. A Certified Teleconference Leader. Nancy has recorded close to 100 interviews with subject matter experts. She has been studying and teacing Analytical Trilogy since 1998 and incorporates Trilogical principles into her coaching.
  22. Pérsio Burkinski, Bachelor in Business Administration from Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Brazil. He has extensively lectured about Analytical Trilogy in several countries, in Italy, France, England, Russia, USA and Brazil. He has worked in the development and setting up of Trilogical enterprises in USA, France, Portugal and Brazil. Currectly He is a Sworn translator, director of the Millennium’s Translations Department and Vice-President of the Association Stop the Destruction of The world. Professor of Languages
  23. Richard Jones, B.A., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist - is a Canadian broadcaster, an international lecturer with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy and host of the popular radio program, Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head based on Norberto Keppe’s science of psycho-socio-pathology.
  24. Roberto Giraldo, M.Sc., M.D.,(Colombia) - Physician, specialist in internal medicine, infectious and tropical diseases. Independent researcher on AIDS since 1981. Member of the Board of Directors of “Rethinking AIDS” the International group of scientists for the reappraising of AIDS. Universities of Antioquia (Colombia), Kansas and Cornell (USA) and London (Great Britain). Trilogical Psychoanalyst from the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, SITA. Department of Integrative Psychosomatic Medicine, SITA, São Paulo Brazil.

  25. Rodrigo Pacheco Angélico, B.A., J.D., (Brazil) accomplished his studies in Paris II Assas, Haute Etudes de Droit et Economie, graduated in Languages from the Institut Superior Catholique de Paris, has a Law degree from the FMU, Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas. Part owner of Clarion Voyages-Paris. Translator  and interpreter of a number of official Brazilian government representatives in France.
  26. Sandra Ingrid Keppe, B.A. (Brazil) - Attended the University of FAAP and FIAM (Communications) in Brazil, Columbia University ( languages) and New York University (Broadcasting). Former psychoanalyst of Analytical Trilogy , attended clients in New York, France, Portugal, and Brazil. She had written about family therapy and ecology. Gave many lectures in the USA, Europe,and Brazil. Younger daughter of Dr Norberto Keppe, she  is Founder of the Ecological Movement of Analytical Trilogy – META- where she had the opportunity to lecture about the applications of A.T. in several opportunities including in a conference organized by the  Green Party of France. She is presently  living in Holand where she is dedicating herself to the application of spirituality in Healing Man and the planet.
  27. Selma Pup Genzani, B.S., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist (Brazil). Has been studying and applying Analytical Trilogy for over 20 years now, with practical international experience in Paris, London, Sweden, New York, Lisbon and São Paulo, working in Trilogical Enterprises, teaching  and lecturing specially in the fields of health and human relations. Started to work as a Trilogical Psychotherapist in Paris, in 1993. Nowadays attends clients at ISAT clinic in São Paulo, Brazil.
  28. Sofie Bergqvist, B.A., Certified Psycho-socio-therapist (Sweden). Bachelor of Languages from the University of Stockholm and Midsweden University, began to work with Analytical Trilogy in her homeland, Sweden, but was later invited to teach and do further studies at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy in São Paulo, Brazil, where she has been working for the last ten years. She is an international lecturer and regular participant in television and radio shows on the applications of Analytical Trilogy in different fields. She is also the translator of Norberto Keppe’s books into Swedish.
  29. Suely Del Corso, B.A. (Brazil) - Social Work at PUC of São Paulo
  30. Susan Berkeley has been a researcher and lecturer with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy for 25 years. She is a translator and presentation skills teacher, and the author of Speak to Influence: How to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Voice.
  1. Vilma Aparecida Bazzo Lauer - General Practitioner, psychosomatic physician. Graduated from Catanduva Medical School, specializing in anatomopathology from Ribeirão Preto USP (University of São Paulo). Title of specialist in Medical Clinic from the Brazilian Society of Medical Clinic (Sociedade Brasileira de Clínica Médica). Trilogical Training in the International Society of Analytical Trilogy ISAT.
  1. Wagner Moraes, B.A., (Brazil), 29 years old, Business Director of Citra do Brasil Comércio Internacional Ltda., have been studing at Millennium Languages School in São Paulo over the last 07 years. Wagner has been graduated in Business Administration, International Commerce at UNIB – Universidade Ibirapuera in São Paulo.



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