About Keppe and Pacheco
Norberto R.
Keppe Ph.D.

Norberto R. Keppe is psychoanalyst, philosopher, educator and social scientist. In 1952, he began to work at the Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo. Keppe was also a guest professor and lecturer for many years at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in São Paulo and the University of São Paulo (USP), among other educational institutions.
In 1958, he was invited to Vienna by Professor Igor Caruso to study psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with the Viennese Circle of Deep Psychology. For three years in Vienna, he worked with professor Viktor E. Frankl (Polyclinic Hospital and School of Existential Analysis) and participated in the study groups of Knut Baumgarten (Child Guidance Clinic), receiving a post-graduate degree in psychoanalysis with his thesis called Integral Psychotherapy in Dr. Frankl’s  Society of Logotherapy.
He returned to Brazil and continued his breakthrough research in deep psychology, at which time he made his pivotal discovery of Inversion. This gave birth to a new branch of psychological science – psycho-socio-pathology. Keppe named his new science Analytical Trilogy (former Integral Psychoanalysis) – a science that establishes the causes of psychological and social illnesses and their treatment.
Analytical Trilogy means the unification of science, philosophy and theology. This in depth study of the human mind is the most important of all sciences because all other disciplines arise from this.
In 1980, the international phase of his work began when Keppe was invited to present Analytical Trilogy in some 15 European countries and the Americas. In 1984, he moved to New York with a group of assistants and researchers. There he made his important discoveries in psychosocial pathology, specifically the impact of the pathology of social and economic power on individuals. He moved to Europe in 1988 and continued his research into socio-pathology, metaphysics and the new physics. While in Europe, he was called “the most original heterodox contemporary writer of our times,” by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Gifted with great charisma and ability to communicate, Keppe has lectured widely in Brazil, Latin America, Europe and the United States. He is the founder and president of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy where he sees clients and trains psychoanalysts from around the world in his unique therapeutic methodology. He is the author of over 30 books translated into 8 languages, and the creator and co-host (with Dr. Claudia Pacheco) of award-winning radio and cable television programs in São Paulo, The Universal Man. His TV programs are currently being broadcast in more than 45 countries in 7 languages.

Cláudia Bernhardt de
Souza Pacheco Ph.D.

Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco has been a psychologist, psychoanalyst and writer for over thirty years. She is the vice-president of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy in São Paulo, Brazil, and has been Norberto Keppe’s primary assistant and colleague since 1976.
In 1980 she wrote her thesis on Freud and Psychoanalysis - under the light of Keppe’s work and had her pos gradute degree from his private educational institution – the International Society of Analytical Trilogy.
Together with Keppe, she has founded and directed many Analytical Trilogy centers and clinics in Brazil, Europe (Paris, London, Sweden, Lisbon, Lucca) and the United States (New York). She has also organized and chaired many international conferences, forums and artistic and cultural events.
In 1990, she founded the Institut Supérieur de Psychanalyse Intégrale – École Norberto Keppe, with headquarters in Paris and an affiliated branch in Lisbon. The aim of this Institute was to develop lectures and courses based on the Keppe’s work.
In Brazil she is the founder and coordinator of the Instituto de Educação Keppe e Pacheco that offers courses and education for psycho-socio-therapists.
As a writer she published books about psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalysis and sociopathology, including the best seller Healing Through Consciousness: Theomania and Stress, Women on the Couch, The ABCs of Analytical Trilogy, Revealing the power  of Consciousness, among others.
She also founded Savoir c’est Pouvoir, a scientific-cultural magazine that was launched in Paris and is the current publisher of the Journal of Integral Psychoanalysis.
Pacheco is also the president of the International STOP the Destruction of the World Association, which she founded in Paris in 1992. She coordinates the Association’s worldwide conscientization campaign about the psycho-social causes of the destruction of the planet through numerous TV and radio programs, books and forums and congresses.